Planning for Healthcare in Retirement: Four Key Considerations

Planning for Healthcare in Retirement: Four Key Considerations

Retirement is an exciting time filled with new possibilities, but one aspect that many overlook is healthcare planning. As you approach or settle into retirement, making sure your healthcare costs are covered is crucial to maintaining financial security.

This is where Medicare comes in—but it’s not as simple as signing up and forgetting about it. You need to understand your Medicare options, manage out-of-pocket expenses, and plan for future healthcare needs, all while keeping an eye on inflation and long-term care costs.

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Winter, Spring, Summer... and Medicare Open Enrollment: Are You Ready?

Winter, Spring, Summer... and Medicare Open Enrollment: Are You Ready?

From October 15th to December 7th, Medicare participants have the chance to review, update, and optimize their coverage for 2024. While this isn’t the only time you can make adjustments, it’s by far the most flexible window of opportunity.

But remember, Open Enrollment isn’t a “sign-up” period for new Medicare participants—it’s a special window for those already enrolled to make changes that will take effect on January 1, 2024. Let’s break it all down so you can make the most of it!

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